Saturday, May 06, 2006

Friday, May 05, 2006

My Kenya Connection

I have been riding by bike to work for nine months. I started this because the gas prices were getting so high. Not only am I saving money, but I am certainly healthier due to the effort. I left my bike at work last Friday because a good friend of mine came to pick me up. We got pizza and took it home. My friend, whom I affectionately refer to as my "Kenya Connection" is moving back to Kenya for an indiffinent amont of time. She is an American Citizen but Kenya is where she was born and raised. Kenya is her homeland and I think if I were to ever win the lottery I would seriously consider investing in her little island off of Kenya, Mombasa. Her heart, I think, lies in Kenya but her taste buds long for the junk food of America.

Well, Monday I got a ride to work because we were taking our car into the shop for some fixing-up, and Monday night I also got a ride home from a friend because the electric went out and I could not get my bike out of the building I work in. Soooooooo... Tuesday morning I rode the bus to was packed...standing room only. Tuesday I started getting a sore throat...I rode my bike home. Wednesday I rode to work...I had such a high fever Wednesday I do not know how I got home, I followed a friend of mine that also rides to and from work on his bike, it was really hot out but I was chilled. Anyway, my point here is I do not want to ever have to ride the bus again...and I have used public transportation all of my life. I will still ride da bus.

I stayed home from work Thursday and I write this I am still sick. It is really too bad that when people get sick they cannot stay home and get better. We get sick because our immune system is down in the dumps...we need rest, not seudafed. No one can afford to stay home and get better anymore and we cannot really afford to see a decent doctor (are there any left?) We, Americans really need to have some adjustments done pertaining to the way we think. No one really cares about each other...think...why we hardly are allowed to care about ourselves.

This brings me to one more thing "National Health Insurance". If the state of Hawaii can afford to give this genuine caring to its population than I am sure the the other 49 Great States could follow in its lead. I lived there from 1975-1980 and every living person was covered then as now.........hummmmmmmmmmm wonder what seems to be the problem elsewhere.

The United States (49) of America are and is a Sham!!!