Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
If The War Goes ON...
Click to Play...Click to Stop
If the war goes on and the children die of hunger,
And the old men weap, for the young men are no more,
And the women learn how to dance without a partner,
Who will keep the score?
If the war goes on and the truth is taken hostage,
And new terrors lead to the need to euphemize;
When the calls for peace are declared unpatriotic,
Who'll expose the lies?
If the war goes on and the daily bread is terror,
And the voiceless poor take the road as refugees;
When a nation's pride destines millions to be homeless,
Who will heed their pleas?
If the war goes on and the rich increase their fortunes,
And the arms sales soar as new weapons are displayed;
When a fertile field turns to no-man's land tomorrow,
Who'll approve such trade?
If the war goes on, will we close the doors to heaven?
If the war goes on, will we breach the gates of hell?
If the war goes on, will we ever be forgiven? If the war goes on...
Text: John L. Bell and Grahm Maule, 1997, revised November 2002
Music: John L. Bell, 1997
Listen to the coqui....
Thursday, March 23, 2006
I don't understand either...
I have never felt so horrible as I have felt under this "Bush RĂ©gime." I cannot remember a time in my life that I have felt so betrayed by my government. It was Thomas Jefferson who said, "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” Jefferson should be studied…he was a genuine libertarian. You are absolutely correct, we do not tolerate lying from anyone…but don’t be fooled…we are lied to. Our government’s lies will not be tolerated, the walls will come tumbling down, and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men will not be able to put George (hmmmm the name of John John’s Magazine) together again. I live every day with the hope that we the people of America, will gracefully, and honorably elevate ourselves above all this sewage, that we have complacently allowed to accumulate and engulf this great country with. This wonderful idea of freedom and liberty that has been entrusted to us must be protected.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
You scored as Idealist. Idealism centers around the belief that we are moving towards something greater. An odd mix of evolutionist and spiritualist, you see the divine within ourselves, waiting to emerge over time. Many religious traditions express how the divine spirit lost its identity, thus creating our world of turmoil, but in time it will find itself and all things will again become one.
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